The Many Faces of Five, captured by Jessi of Lovebug Photography
Long before I was a photographer, I became a Momma. It isn’t even a job — on the toughest of days, I’m grateful for Zack and Addie and appreciative of even the difficult moments. It’s an honor and a joy to be their mom.
I always say Zack made me a mom (he’ll be 7 in August) and taught me compassion, patience, advocacy and faith. His Down syndrome diagnosis in his first week of life shook our world and changed the path of our life journey but made us the people we are today.
Addie, however, changed me in different ways. She is, even at age 5, everything I wish that I, as an adult, could be today. She’s strong and her personality is SO big and so HER. She’s got some crazy mood shifts and some powerful stubbornness (I have NO idea where that comes from) but if you hang in there, she gifts you with magic. She is a rainbow of bright colors and vibrancy and a strong wind that breezes by with laughter and empathy and wisdom beyond her years.
This past year has been my favorite one yet. Zack and Addie are coming into their own personalities and interests and circles of friends, yet their love for each other is HUGE. They wipe each other’s tears (even if they are the ones that caused them!) and give each other fierce bear hugs. They work so often as a team and I love letting their imaginations run wild together. Addie is so, so good for Zack and even though I spent a lot of weeks and months worrying about the effect of Zack’s world on Addie’s future, I know now that he is really great for her.
Addie calls me her best friend. And I tell her I’m proud to be her mom. We have this exchange at least 10 times every day. I try to teach her to be a good friend and to wait her turn and some letters and numbers. But the things she teaches me — it’s no comparison. She has most definitely made me a better person.
I love hearing the footsteps down the hall as I wait with a giggle to see her outfit selection — patterns and colors galore! I appreciate that she asks tough questions sometimes and that I know I must answer a fine line between a young kiddo and a big kid that “gets” it. I love that she’s fiery and strong-willed (just remind me I said that this time tomorrow, haha!). I can’t help but sneak in to her room late at night if I was out during bedtime — just to push her hair back out of her eyes, squeeze her little fingers and whisper some Mommy secrets. She makes my heart burst with pride.
She’s my best friend, too.
She came to my world after months of sickness, on a Friday afternoon in an operating room. She had jet-black hair and a dark complexion and screamed for 6 weeks straight. On the day we brought her home from the hospital, Zack took his first steps — to walk across the room over to her. It’s been like that ever since – she teaches others that they are indeed capable of things they didn’t believe they could do and she draws a crowd around her with her pep talks and snuggly hugs.
She is my jumble of color and noise and the breeze and the sunshine and she is turning 5 today.
Addison Caroline, may the world be as good to you as you are to the world. And when it’s not, know that Momma is here for you, to make it a little bit better.
I love you!
Images courtesy Wendy Zook Photography and Dani T Photography.
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Wendy I absolutely love this!!!!! You have such a beautiful and truly special family!!!! Happy birthday Addie girl!