It’s not very often as a photographer that you’re able to watch a future client/couple in real life before you’re even hired. With Andy and Gina, though, I knew there was going to be a ring before she did! (Well, OK, I’m sure she had a hunch, but still…!) You see, I was the Maid […]

Engagements, Favorites, Holidays, Outdoors, Photos

December 29, 2014

A & G (engagement)

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I met a handsome baby boy a few weeks ago that quickly stole my heart and yes, even created a little bit of baby fever. I know S’s mom from my old job and she, Daddy and Big Brother S all joined in for a newborn/family photo shoot in the comfort of their own home. […]

Children, Favorites, Newborn, Photos

January 25, 2014

And Baby makes 4…

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Ms. Aubrey, a favorite of my heart and my camera, got some Christmas photos taken recently. The photos were taken at a beautiful resort all decked out in holiday decorations, but even their grandeur couldn’t compare with Aubrey’s big brown eyes and sweet smile. (Not to mention the cutest little dress!) Merry Christmas, Ms. Aubrey […]

Children, Favorites, Holidays, Photos

December 18, 2013

Lil Aubrey

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Long overdue, but my dear friends Nick and Erin became parents to a long-awaited, much-prayed-for little girl this summer. She was beautiful even in utero, but even more beautiful in person!  Her parents have adapted to becoming little Brynlee’s mom and dad so very well and so quickly. They make it look so easy!  Erin […]

Children, Favorites, Maternity, Newborn, Photos

September 23, 2013

Baby Brynlee!

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I’ve been taking photos for a long time. I grew up with a family of photographers and artists and creative souls and have had a camera in hand for as long as I can remember. I made albums of school trips taken with my ridiculously heavy uses-actual-film Kodak. I learned about what made each setting […]

Favorites, Photos

February 9, 2013

Making it official

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