As November creeps in, it can be trickier and trickier to find the bright and bold fall foliage colors of October for family photo sessions. But it’s still possible. For this session with a local Frederick MD family of four, it was all about some creative camera angles and finding all the best little spots […]


November 20, 2019

Adventures in the Leaves: A Fall Family Photo Session in Frederick County

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“Balance”It’s one of my favorite words. Each year, instead of a resolution, I choose a word or phrase to stick with me throughout the coming months and guide me in my choices for work and personal life. Last year, that word was “balance.” I’m really proud of the plans I put into action to make […]

The Z Family

November 19, 2019

Keeping it Balanced & Keeping it Real: How I Prioritize and Simplify Things to Make Life Just a Little Big Easier

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I believe in a world where we cheer one another on and we don’t see any other entrepreneur as a competitor. (It’s why I love the Rising Tide Society so much!) I love when I see other business owners support one another and I can’t possibly count all of the times I’ve been inspired or […]

Focus On

November 19, 2019

Focus On: Josefina Sanders of Love Offering

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If you follow me online, you know that I’ve been listening to the holiday music since November 1st and that I love the Christmas season so much. I have a lineup of my favorite Christmas movies that I must watch every year (sometimes multiple times in a year) and I get so excited about creating […]

Family, Holidays

November 18, 2019

‘Tis the Season: Creating Holiday Cards with Your Family Session Photos

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I love all of my new clients, don’t get me wrong. Their trust in me is so important. However, there is something so uniquely special about seeing a familiar name enter your email inbox, asking you to capture family memories yet another time. Mom Megan is one of the kindest people I’ve ever met — […]


November 15, 2019

Sunshine and Giggles: Fall Family Photos at the Lake

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There are few “jobs” in this world as difficult — and as rewarding — as being a parent. Life and destiny hand you a small human and an unpredictable 18 to 85 years, God willing, to create a kind person and to lay down the foundation for a future that is full of potential and […]

Special Edition

November 14, 2019

Learning about Jennifer: An Insight Into LIfe with Mosaic Down syndrome

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Lauren and her family just instantly make me smile. I love how she and her husband are just incredibly fun and patient parents and how much love they have to give to sweet Shelby and baby Savannah. I photographed Mom, Dad and Shelby last year for Fall photos and again earlier this year when Savannah […]


November 13, 2019

First Family Session as a Group of Four: Celebrating Autumn and a Beautiful 2019

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I first met Kayla Schadegg earlier this year at an event with the National Down Syndrome Society. When I first saw her, she was decked out in a dress and a tiara and I soon learned she was Mrs. Maryland. It was only later at another NDSS event that I realized Kayla was the proud […]


November 12, 2019

Advocacy & a Crown: Capturing Mrs. Maryland at the Baltimore Buddy Walk

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While most of my photos take place at some of my favorite waterfront and forested locations around Lake Linganore, every once in a while, a change of scenery is needed. It’s exciting to find a new location now and then, especially with a returning client and their family. For Mindi’s section with her three children, […]


November 11, 2019

A Momma and Her Kiddos: Family Photos Among the Pine Trees on a Farm

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Marta is an incredible inspiration as a mother — in 30 minutes time with her and her children, you can see her strength and love. You can feel the joy she brings to her son and daughter. Their laughter rings loud and gleefully whenever they are together. Marta reached out to me in the midst […]


November 8, 2019

Lakeside Love and a Sunset: Capturing a Momma and Her Kiddos

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